We offer services from picking your own flowers in our field, to choosing from a wide variety of pre-cut flowers in our barn to create your very own bouquet. You may also choose from our wide selection of pre-made arrangements, as well as reserve a time for photo sessions, or receive a weekly bouquet delivered right to your house! Our vibrant fields are perfect for family photos, senior pictures, engagement sessions and so much more! We also offer classes where you can sign up to learn how to make your own flower arrangement from a professional florist!
u-pick Bouquets$1-75Fill a pitcher (Small): $20
Fill a pitcher (Medium): $30 Fill a bucket (Large): $75 The Flower Bar: choose from pre-cut flowers inside our barn to create your own bouquet. Prices vary depending on flower selection and stem count. |
Pre-Made bouquets$10-60Prices vary depending on size and variety, ranging anywhere from $10-$60
Vase Arranging Fee: $5-10 additional cost based on S,M,L vase size |
Photo shoot Field Reservations$35This includes a one-hour time slot where you are able to utilize the entire field! Types of flowers available will depend on the time of season.
Reminder this is also PER SESSION (even minis) Text 517-462-6219 for scheduling/more information |
Flower Arrangement Classes$60-100Includes a class as well as arrangement materials and flowers. For a party of 10+ people call to make a reservation and choose a date.
Sign up HERE |
Weekly Bouquet DeliveryN/AThis includes one bouquet delivered to your doorstep! You are able to signup for as many weeks as you'd like at a time.
Sign up for a weekly bouquet delivery here. CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME! |
flower bouquet subscription$604 bouquets / month priced at $60 a month. Bouquets will need to be picked up weekly at The Flower Barn.
Please let us know how you enjoyed your experience and how we can improve by filling out the survey located under the "Contact" tab at the top. Be sure to give us a follow on our Facebook and Instagram @mayerflowerbarn and tag us in any photos so we can see your beautiful creations!